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2022-03-18 来源: 浏览:0

First circular of NUSYS 2022

Dear Colleagues,

First circular of NUSYS 2022.pdf

The second “Nuclear physics School for Young Scientists (NUSYS 2022)” will be held by the China Institute of Atomic Energy in Ruichang city, Jiangxi province of China from Aug. 8 to Aug. 13, 2022, with arrival and check in on Aug. 7. The goal of this school is to motivate the young PhD students and postdoctoral researchers by introducing them to the various facets of the nuclear physics and its applications to the nuclear science and technology, as well as the future prospects of the forthcoming nuclear facilities in east Asia.

Experts are invited to convey a view of the rich variety of present ongoing activities in the field of experimental and theoretical nuclear physics and to exploit the opportunities created by the on-going or the next-generation nuclear physics facilities in particular in Asia, such as HIAF (High Intensity heavy ion Accelerator Facility), JUNA (Jinping Underground Nuclear Astrophysics facility) and BISOL (Beijing ISOL) which are being built or planned in China, RAON (Rare Isotope Science Project) in South Korea and RIBF (RI Beam Factory) in Japan. Each student is required to contribute to the school by presenting a poster related to her/his work. The six best posters will be selected for the oral presentation session at the school.

Due to the travel restriction of COVID-19, the school will be held in a hybrid mode including both onsite and remote forms. The onsite form (in person) is for domestic participants, and the remote form is for those participants from abroad. The school is jointly organized by the China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE), Beihang University (BUAA), Fudan University (FDU), Institute of Modern Physics (IMP), Lanzhou University (LZU), Nanjing University (NJU), Peking University (PKU) and Tsinghua University (THU).


The application will be open on April 5, 2022, and will be closed on June 5 2022. The application form (to be completed by the student) can be found at the school website (http://indico.ihep.ac.cn/event/14252). A poster abstract and a paragraph statement of self-introduction and explanation of what the applicant hopes to achieve by attending NUSYS 2022 are required to be filled online. A recommendation letter needs to be sent directly to the school email (nusys@ciae.ac.cn) to support the application. The applicant, who was already be accepted by the school committee last year, will pass the application in priority, and she/he needs to submit the updated documents or the old version documents on the website.

The total number of participants for PhD students and postdoctoral researchers will be limited to 60. Participants will be selected by the organizer committees. Our target participants are mainly PhD students and young post-doctoral researchers. Once the selection of participants has been done, the confirmation letter/email of acceptance will be sent to each selected participant through the email. Accommodation and daily allowance for the attendees will be covered by the school.

More details can be found in the upcoming second circular.

We look forward to meeting you in Ruichang!

The School Master

YanlinYe (PKU)

Organizing Committee 

Deqing Fang (FDU)

Bing Guo (CIAE)

Zhong Liu (IMP)

Yifei Niu(LZU)

Baohua Sun (BUAA)

Xiaodong Tang (IMP)

Zhigang Xiao (THU)

Chang Xu (NJU)

Xiaofei Yang (PKU

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