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2022-03-18 来源: 浏览:0


文章标题:Electric dipole polarizability in neutron-rich Sn isotopes as a probe of nuclear isovector properties


摘要:The determination of nuclear symmetry energy and, in particular, its density dependence is a long-standing problem for the nuclear physics community. Previous studies have found that the product of electric dipole polarizability αD and symmetry energy at saturation density J has a strong linear correlation with L, the slope parameter of symmetry energy. However, the current uncertainty of J hinders the precise constraint on L.We investigate the correlations between electric dipole polarizability αD (or times symmetry energy at saturation density J) in Sn isotopes and the slope parameter of symmetry energy L using the quasiparticle random-phase approximation based on the Skyrme Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov model. A strong linear correlation between αD and L is found in neutron-rich Sn isotopes where pygmy dipole resonance (PDR) gives a considerable contribution to αD, attributed to the pairing correlations playing important roles through PDR. This newly discovered linear correlation would help one to constrain L and neutron-skin thickness Rnp stiffly if αD is measured with high resolution in neutron-rich nuclei. Additionally, a linear correlation between αDJ in a nucleus around the β-stability line and αD in a neutron-rich nucleus can be used to assess αD in neutron-rich nuclei.




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