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2022.1.20.Elena Litvinova副教授学术讲座
2022-01-20 来源: 浏览:0

受兰州大学核科学与技术学院牛一斐教授邀请,西密歇根大学副教授Elena Litvinova副教授作The nuclear many-body problem:novel solutions and astrophysical applications学术报告。



         Dr.Elena Litvinova is an associate professor of theoretical nuclear physics in the Department of Physics at Western Michigan University.She is also an adjunct faculty member at Michigan State University.

         Afterreceiving her Ph.D..Litvinova became a senior scientist at the Institute of Physics and Powen Engineeringin Obninsk,RussiaIn 2005,she joined the Technical University of Munich as an Alexander von Humboldt fellow, then worked as a research associate at GSI Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung ir Darmstadt,Germany from 2007-12.She moved to Michigan State University as a Facility for Rare Isotope Beams Theory Fellow in 2012and assumed her current roles at WMU and MSUin 2013.

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