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2021.06.08杜尔大学Maxim Chernodub教授线上报告
2021-09-01 来源: 浏览:0

Prof. Maxim Chernodub was invited to make an online speech about "Transport effects due to scale anomaly in high-energy and solid-state physics".


Poster's Profile:

Prof. Maxim Chernodub got hisPhD in 1999 at ITEP in Moscow, Russia. He then spent several years as postdoc researcher in the University of Kanazawa, Japan. He went back to Russia in 2003, at ITEP, as a senior researcher. In 2008 he moved to the University of Tours in France, as a CNRS recearcher. In 2016 he has been promoted to the CNRS director of research position in the University of Tours. His main research activity in Theoretical Physics focuses on Quantum Field Theory at the frontier, embracing several disciplines from gravity to condensed matter systems.

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