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2021.03.25法兰克福大学Lucia Oliva博士学术报告
2021-09-01 来源: 浏览:0

In doctor Oliva's seminar at Lanzhou University, she will talk about her recent results on the evolution of the electromagnetic fields and vorticity in high energy nuclear collisions, focusing on thr influence of these on anisotropic flows of hoth light and heavy hadrons as well as on photon production.


Poster's profile:

Lucia Oliva got her PhD in Catania University in 2017. After her PhD, she stayed in Catania University for one year as a postroctoral researcher on proton-nucleus collisions at high energy. Finally, she moved to Frankfurt for two years where she currently works at the Institute for Theoretical Physics at Goethe University, where she is researching on electromagnetic fields in proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions.

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