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2021-09-01 来源: 浏览:0

As the researcher of the Institute of Morden Physics of Chinese Academy of Science, Yuxiang Zhao made a speech at moeden physics building in No. 2 branch campus of Lanzhou University: “Nucleon spin stucture study in lepton-nucleon scattering”.


Reporter's profile:

Yuxiang Zhao is now a physicist in the institute of morden physics.He has awarded the "Outstanding Dissertation Award" by the International Organization of Chinese Physicists and Astronomers "for his significant contribution to a number of new analyses of the transversity data and to hardware and simulation for the SoLID project".

Afer joining IMP, he is mainly working on the Electron Ion Collider in China(EicC) and the Electron Ion Colider at Brookhaven National Laboratory in the US.

电话:0931-8912100 18794778654
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