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2021-06-23 来源: 浏览:0

应核科学与技术学院核结构与核天体物理研究组牛一斐教授邀请,著名理论核物理学家Hiroyuki Sagawa教授和Gianluca Colo教授将为我校师生讲授核物理和核天体系列课程。




1.      628

授课教师:Hiroyuki Sagawa

题目:Quantum Mechanics for Nuclear Physics

关键词:Spin and Isospin, Dirac equation, Symmetry and Symmetry breaking, Chiral symmetry in QCD

2.      71

授课教师:Hiroyuki Sagawa

题目: Nuclear interactions

关键词:Meson theory, Phase shift, Chiral effective interactions, NN force and Lattice QCD

3.      75

授课教师:Gianluca Colo

题目:Density functional theory (DFT)

关键词:DFT: general introduction, the case of electronic systems, application to nuclear structure, nuclear ground-states and nuclear matter

4.      78

授课教师:Gianluca Colo

题目:Linear response theory

关键词: time-dependent theories, time-dependent DFT and RPA, nuclear excitation spectra

5.      712

授课教师:Gianluca Colo

题目:Nuclear superfluidity

关键词:Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) and Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) theories, applications to solvable models and to realistic cases

6.      715

授课教师:Hiroyuki Sagawa

题目:Ab initio approach for nuclear structure and reactions

关键词:No core shell model (NCSM), Green’s function Monte Carlo model, Coupled cluster model (CCM), Construction of effective interactions (UCOM, SRG, IMSRG)

7.      719

授课教师:Hiroyuki Sagawa

题目:Radioactive Beam Ion (RIB) Physics

关键词:Halo and skin, Symmetry energy and EoS, Di-neutron correlation, Soft dipole oscillation

8.      722

授课教师:Gianluca Colo

题目: Selected topics in Nuclear Astrophysics

关键词:Star evolution and nuclear reactions in the stars, Neutron stars: general properties, recent observations, multi-messenger astrophysics

联系人:王之恒 wangzhh2013@lzu.edu.cn

                   牛一斐  niuyf@lzu.edu.cn

电话:0931-8912100 18794778654
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