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2021-04-22 来源: 浏览:0


[1]Jing Geng, Jia Jie Li, Wen Hui Long*, Yi Fei Niu, and Shi Yao Chang, Pseudospin symmetry restoration and the in-medium balance between nuclear attractive and repulsive interactions, Physical Review C 100, 051301 (R) (2019), Editors' Suggetion, [6 pages] (Published 4 November 2019).

[Download], [DOI:10.1103/PhysRevC.100.051301]

[2]Shihang Shen, Haozhao Liang, Wen Hui Long, Jie Meng*, and Peter Ring, Towards an ab initio covariant density functional theory for nuclear structure, Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 109, 103713 (2019), 

DOI: 10.1016/j.ppnp.2019.103713

[3]Zheng-Zheng Li, Shi-Yao Chang, Qiang Zhao, Wen-Hui Long*, and Yi-Fei Niu, Restoration of pseudo-spin symmetry in N = 32 and N = 34 isotones described by relativistic Hartree-Fock theory, Chinese Physics C 43, 074107 (2019), [7 pages] (Published online 10 June 2019 ).

[Dwonload], [DOI:10.1088/1674-1137/43/7/074107]

[4]Jia Jie Li, Wen Hui Long*, Jerome Margueron, and Nguyen Van Giai, Si-48: An atypical nucleus? Physics Letters B 788, 192-197 (2019), 

DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2018.11.034

[5]Z. M. Niu, H.Z. Liang*, B.H. Sun, W. H. Long, and Y. F. Niu, Predictions of nuclear β-decay half-lives with machine learning and their impact on r-process nucleosynthesis, Physical Review C 99, 064307 (2019), [7 pages] (Published 5 June 2019 ).

[Download], [DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.99.064307]


[1]Sagawa, Hiroyuki & Colò, Gianluca & Roca-Maza, Xavier & Niu, Yifei. (2019). Collective excitations involving spin and isospin degrees of freedom. The European Physical Journal A 55, 12(2019). 

DOI: http://10.1140/epja/i2019-12923-y

[2]Yüksel, Esra & Colò, Gianluca & Khan, Eisha & Niu, Yifei. (2019). Nuclear excitations within microscopic EDF approaches: Pairing and temperature effects on the dipole response. The European Physical Journal A 55, 12(2019). 

DOI: http://10.1140/epja/i2019-12918-8

 [3]Zhongming, Niu & Fang, J. & Niu, Yifei. (2019). Comparative study of radial basis function and Bayesian neural network approaches in nuclear mass predictions. Physical Review C 100, 054311(2019). [9 pages] (published 8 November 2019 ).

[Download], [DOI: http://10.1103/PhysRevC.100.054311]

[4]Yüksel, Esra & Paar, Nils & Colò, Gianluca & Khan, Eisha & Niu, Yifei. (2019). Gamow-Teller excitations at finite temperature: competition between pairing and temperature effects. 

[5]Zhongming, Niu & Liang, Haozhao & Sun, Baohua & Long, W. & Niu, Yifei. (2019). Predictions of nuclear β -decay half-lives with machine learning and their impact on r -process nucleosynthesis. Physical Review C 99, 064307(2019). [7 pages] (Published 5 June 2019 ).

[Download], [DOI: http://10.1103/PhysRevC.99.064307]

[6] J. Geng, J. J. Li, W.H. Long*, Y. F. Niu, and S. Y. Yao, Pseudospin symmetry restoration and the in-medium balance between nuclear attractive and repulsive interactions, Phys. Rev. C 100, 051301 (2019),  [6 pages] (published 4 November 2019 ).

[Download], [DOI:https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.100.051301]

[7] Z. Z. Li, S. Y. Chang, Q. Zhao, W. H. Long, and Y. F. Niu, Restoration of pseudo-spin symmetry in N=32 and N=34 isotones described by relativistic Hartree- Fock theory, Chin. Phys. C 43, 074107 (2019),  [7 pages] (Published online 10 June 2019 ).

[Dwonload], [DOI:10.1088/1674-1137/43/7/074107]

[8] J. M. Dong*, X. L. Shang, W. Zuo, Y. F. Niu, and Y.Sun, An effective Coulomb interaction in nuclear energy density functionals, Nucl. Phys. A 983, 133 (2019), [12 pages] (Available online 15 January 2019)

[Download], [DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2019.01.003]

[9] M. Krzysiek*, F. Camera, D.M. Filipescu, H. Utsunomiya, G. Colo, I. Gheorghe, and Y. Niu, Simulation of the ELIGANT-GN array performances at ELI-NP for gamma beam energies larger than neutron threshold, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 916, 257 (2019), [18 pages] (Available online 15 November 2018)

[Dwonload], [DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2018.11.058]


[1]Shen Yang, Bo Nan Zhang, and Bao Yuan Sun*, Critical parameters of the liquid-gas phase transition in thermal symmetric and asymmetric nuclear matter, Physical Review C 100, 054314 (2019),  [12 pages] (published 11 November 2019 ).

[Download], [DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.100.054314]

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