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2021-04-21 来源: 浏览:0


相关论文发表在 Physics Letters B 815, 136147 (2021)

文章标题: The description of giant dipole resonance key parameters with multitask neural networks

文章链接: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physletb.2021.136147


Giant dipole resonance (GDR) is one of the fundamental collective excitation modes in nucleus. Continu-ous efforts have been made to the evaluation of GDR key parameters in different nuclear data libraries. We introduced multitask learning (MTL) approach to learn and reproduce the evaluated experimental data of GDR key parameters, including both GDR energies and widths. Compared to the theoretical GDR parameters in RIPL-3 library, the accuracies of MTL approach are almost doubled for 129 nuclei with ex-perimental data. The significant improvement is largely due to the right classification of unimodal nuclei and bimodal nuclei by the classification neural network. Based on the good performance of the neural network approach, an extrapolation to 79 nuclei around the β-stability line without experimental data is made, which provides an important reference to future experiments and data evaluations. The successful application of MTL approach in this work further proofs the feasibility of studying multi-output physical problems with multitask neural network in nuclear physics domain.

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