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2020-11-19 来源: 浏览:0





邮箱:dengjg19@lzu.edu.cn; dengjungang1016@163.com


2019.09 - 2022.06:兰州大学 粒子物理与原子核物理专业 博士研究生

2016.09 - 2019.06:南华大学 核科学与技术专业 硕士研究生

2012.09 - 2016.07:三峡大学 核工程与核技术专业 本科


[1] 主持中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金自由探索项目(优秀研究生创新项目):超重新元素衰变模式和性质的研究 (No. lzujbky-2020-it01)


[1]     Jun-Gang Deng and Hong-Fei Zhang*, Systematic study of α decay half-lives within the Generalized Liquid Drop Model with various versions of proximity energies,Chinese Physics C 45, 024104 (2021)

[2]       Jun-Gang Deng and Hong-Fei Zhang*, Correlation between α-particle preformation factor and α decay energy, Physics Letters B 816, 136247 (2021)

[3]      Jun-Gang Deng, Hong-Fei Zhang*, and G. Royer, Improved empirical formula for α-decay half-lives, Physical Review C 101, 034307 (2020)

[4]       Jun-Gang Deng and Hong-Fei Zhang*, Analytic formula for estimating the α-particle preformation factor, Physical Review C 102, 044314 (2020)

[5]       Jun-Gang Deng, Xiao-Hua Li*, Jiu-Long Chen, Jun-Hao Cheng, and Xi-Jun Wu*, Systematic study of proton radioactivity of spherical proton emitters within various versions of proximity potential formalisms, The European Physical Journal A 55, 58 (2019)

[6]       Jun-Gang Deng, Jie-Cheng Zhao, Peng-Cheng Chu*, and Xiao-Hua Li*, Systematic study of α decay of nuclei around Z=82, N=126 shell closure within the cluster-formation model and proximity potential 1977 formalism, Physical Review C 97, 044322 ( 2018)

[7]       Jun-Gang Deng, Jie-Cheng Zhao, Jiu-Long Chen, Xi-Jun Wu*, and Xiao-Hua Li*,α decay properties of 296Og within the two-potential approach, Chinese Physics C 42, 044102 (2018)

[8]       Jun-Gang Deng, Jun-Hao Cheng, Bo Zheng*, and Xiao-Hua Li*, α decay properties of 297Og within the two-potential approach. Chinese Physics C 41, 124109 (2017)

[9]       Jun-Gang Deng, Jie-Cheng Zhao, Dong Xiang*, and Xiao-Hua Li*, Systematic study of unfavored α-decay half-lives of closed-shell nuclei related to ground and isomeric states, Physical Review C 96, 024318 (2017).

[10]   Jun-Yao Xu, Jiu-Long Chen, Jun-Gang Deng*, Jun-Hao Cheng, Hong-Ming Liu, and Xiao-Hua Li*, α decay properties of even-even nuclei 296−308120 within the two-potential approach. Communications in Theoretical Physics 71, 1328–1334 (2019)

[11]   Yu-Qi Xin, Jun-Gang Deng and Hong-Fei Zhang*, Proton radioactivity within the generalized liquid drop model with various versions of proximity potentials, Communications in Theoretical Physics 73, 065301 (2021)

[12]   Yu-Qi Xin, Na-Na Ma, Jun-Gang Deng, Tian-Liang Zhao, Hong-Fei Zhang*, Properties of Z=114 superheavy nuclei , Nuclear Science and Techniques, (Accepted) (2021)

[13]   Jun-Hao Cheng, Jiu-Long Chen, Jun-Gang Deng, Xiao-Hua Li∗, Zhen Zhang∗, Peng-Cheng Chu, Systematic study of proton emission half-lives within the two-potential approach with Skyrme-Hartree-Fock, Nuclear Physics A 997, 121717 (2020)

[14]   Hong-Ming Liu, Jun-Yao Xu, Jun-Gang Deng, Biao He and Xiao-Hua Li∗, Predictions of α decay half-lives for even–even superheavy nuclei with 104 ≤ Z ≤ 128 based on two-potential approach within cluster-formation model, International Journal of Modern Physics E 28, 1950089 (2019)

[15]   Jiu-Long Chen, Jun-Yao Xu, Jun-Gang Deng, Xiao-Hua Li∗, Biao He, and Peng-Cheng Chu, New Geiger-Nuttall law for proton radioactivity, The European Physical Journal A 55, 214 (2019)

[16]   Jiu-Long Chen, Xiao-Hua Li*, Jun-Hao Cheng, Jun-Gang Deng, and Xi-Jun Wu*. Systematic study of proton radioactivity based on Gamow-like model with a screened electrostatic barrier, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 46, 065107 (2019)

[17]   Jun-Hao Cheng, Jiu-Long Chen, Jun-Gang Deng, Xi-Jun Wu*, Xiao-Hua Li*, and Peng-Cheng Chu*, Systematic study of α decay half-lives based on Gamow–like model with a screened electrostatic barrier, Nuclear Physics A 987, 350–368 (2019)

[18]   Xiao-Dong Sun, Jun-Gang Deng, Dong Xiang*, Ping Guo, and Xiao-Hua Li*, Systematic study of α decay half-lives of doubly odd nuclei within the two-potential approach, Physical Review C 95, 044303 (2017)

[19]   Xiao-Dong Sun, Chao Duan, Jun-Gang Deng, Ping Guo, and Xiao-Hua Li*, Systematic study of α decay for odd-A nuclei within a two-potential approach, Physical Review C 95, 014319 (2017)

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