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2019.06.21慕尼黑工业大学Peter Ring教授萃英大讲坛学术报告
2021-09-01 来源: 浏览:0

应本课题组邀请,慕尼黑工业大学Peter Ring教授赴兰州大学开展学术交流活动并作学术报告。

报告题目:“Relativistic Brueckner Theory: an ab initio Approach for Finite Nuclei.”


Ab initio calculations of the structure of nuclei are of fundamental interest in nuclear physics, and in the past considerable progress has been made with non-relativistic many-body methods. Dirac-Brueckner-Hartree Theory provides a relativistic ab initio approach, which has been used mostly for the study of nuclear matter. It has been found that relativistic effects play an important role. Due to its numerical complexity, however, the extension of RBHF to the study of finite nuclear systems is very difficult. Recent efforts will be discussed to overcome this problem. It will be shown how such calculations can teach us more about the structure of covariant energy density functionals, particularly about the importance of tensor forces.


Peter Ring教授1965年毕业于慕尼黑大学物理系,1969年获得慕尼黑技术大学博士学位。1973-1975年在美国Berkeley国家实验室从事博士后研究。1980年起任慕尼黑技术大学理论物理教授。Peter Ring教授是原子核基础理论领域内世界知名的物理学家,在量子多体理论、原子核的转动和振动激发、奇特原子核、超重原子核以及协变密度泛函理论等领域取得了丰硕的研究成果并且积累了大量的经验。曾担任《Physical Review Letters》等刊物编委,1992年获得西班牙-德国科技合作Humboldt-Mutis奖,2005年为核物理海伦协会名誉会员,2010年入选北京大学首批教育部海外名师项目,2012年被评为《Physical Review》和《Physical Review Letters》杰出审稿人,2018年获欧洲物理学会莉泽-迈特纳奖,该奖为核科学界最高荣誉。先后在《Physics Reports》、《Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics》、《Physical Review Letters》等学术期刊发表SCI论文近350篇,会议文集约300篇,引用累计2万余次,H因子为70,其专著《The Nuclear Many-Body Problem》自1980年以来多次重印,成为核物理学界最受欢迎的经典著作之一。

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